Thursday, July 5

Change It Up

We have been changing things up here at the farm, & the blog.  We frequently streamline, our decor, possessions, and farm to ensure we are surrounded by only what we love. The blog looks a little different (better) because we simplified and made sure it said only the most important things we wanted to share.  Change is good. Change is great! It helps us grow, learn, and be BETTER.                                                                                              We often change it up in our home too. This helps the chi in our home (a Chinese belief in energy flow through your home) and improves our quality of living.  We can easily say that we are surrounded ONLY by things we love or by things with significance to us.  This doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it is just perfect to us. We don't hold onto those extra items that "we might just need" & our closets are thinned so that if we haven't worn something in six months it is donated or sold.
How is your homes chi? 
What kind of energy is your home exuding into your life?  
Are you relaxed, happy, comforted by your home?  
If not, maybe it is time to CHANGE IT UP 
& streamline your home & its energy! 
The Steffls

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