Friday, August 24

Say Anything Stephanie Wilde

I know August was supposed be a photograph post only month, but I was inspired to share an artist and her business...
About a year ago our family went to Sioux Falls for a mini vacation.  While there we spent time with family, visited the zoo, ate at some fabulous places like Carnival, and Oh My Cupcakes which you can read about here: (link) and did a little shopping.  While perusing downtown Sioux Falls we happened upon a lovely jewelry shop that hand stamps designs on jewelry.  I instantly clicked with the owner Stephanie Wilde.  We got to talking and realized we grew up near each other and had mutual friends from high school.  The world really is a small place. 
Anyway, in her shop Say Anything... Jewelry by Stephanie Wilde, she creates custom hand stamped jewelry & gifts.
I fell in love with her designs, her art, and her ability to tell a story through jewelry.  Stephanie and I collaborated on a the two pieces photographed in this post. The necklace above tells a story... my story of a continual journey of teaching and learning.  
Below is a necklace that tells my family's story.  Both of these pieces of jewelry are significant and priceless to me. 
This week Stephanie posted a message on Say Anything's facebook wall that made realize how each piece she makes not only touches her hands but her heart.
Here is the post that inspired me to share this woman, her art and our story:
"I wanted to end this day on an upbeat moment. In Dec. I met a woman who walked into the shop, picked up this compass (that I ordered just because I knew that if I loved it, someone else would too) and she put it with this piece and told me her quote that you see here. It represents her masters degree that she earned. It then became the "Journey Necklace," named for the first client that I ever made it for. I have stamped many things on this design, but it will always have JS's story and Fabulosity in mind when I put this one together! We are all on a journey. Blaze your own trail. :) Sweet Dreams!
This artist created two necklaces that are signature pieces for me.  I wear each one almost daily and of all of my possessions these are literally two of the closest to my heart.  
Not only did Say Anything... Jewelry help me design two beautiful pieces of jewelry but Stephanie has told my story...
I suggest you let her tell yours through a beautifully created jewelry item for yourself or your loved ones.  
You can reach Stephanie on 
Enjoying the journey, and the people I meet on the way,

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