Tuesday, January 1

A New Year...

As we reflect on the past year here at the farm  
& the...Barn Store, we can't help but feel blessed. 
We thank God that both the farmer & artist have jobs that not only provide a living but also inspire us to life. We opened our store and it was a huge success (thanks to many of you).  
Our children are happy and our hearts are content. 
We are proud of our accomplishments this year.
On New Year's Eve the first year we were married we created a tradition of writing our resolutions, intentions and goals for the coming year.  That first year we penned our goals from our hotel room on our honeymoon in the Caribbean.  We kept them near us and visited them frequently throughout 2011. At the end of the year we were amazed and humbled by how much of what we intended came to fruition.  So last year we wrote our intentions again....and we are amazed and proud of what we have accomplished in such a short time. There is much to be said for siting with your spouse and sharing your intentions for yourself, each other and your family.
So tonight we will prayerfully sit, share, and write our goals and intentions for 2013 with hopes of attracting wonderful blessings again this year.
What are your intentions, goals & resolutions for 2013?
Take the time to write them, work towards them and share them...
And in a year you will have much to be thankful & proud of!

1 comment:

Cassandra Kranz said...

my resolutions are to drink more water! and also set time aside on weekdays to do homework instead of cramming it all in on the weekend. (;