Friday, July 13

Sunflowers...Inspired by Vincent van Gogh

Sunflowers have long inspired artists. Their vibrant color, interesting lines, and textural contrasts make them a unique subject choice for painting. Vincent van Gogh is the most well known painter of these magical flowers that seem to embody summer. Van Gogh painted a total of twelve sunflower canvases, all lovely examples of post impressionism, with expressive use of lines and color.  
Below is one of the artist's favorites from van Gogh's Paris Series....  
Two Cut Sunflowers
Oil on canvas. 1887.
Since we have all this earth here at the farm to plant as we wish, we decided we should have some of our own summery inspiration in the form of these towering flowers.  We have planted them in various areas around the farm... The two photos in this post are of the farm's first bloomers and they have already begun inspiring us.  
We smile each time we see them and we can understand why van Gogh would choose this plant over and over again as a subject matter.  
Jamie plans to make her own art using these photos {and the actual plants} as inspiration.
Van Gogh had the little yellow house in Arles...
We have the gardens at the farm!
"You may know that the peony is Jeannin's, the hollyhock belongs to Quost, but the sunflower is mine in a way."
Vincent van Gogh (to Theo)
Letter 573

22 or 23 January 1889

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